FOSS for Scientists devroom @ FOSDEM 2013

Sat., Feb. 2nd 2013, ULB campus Solbosch, Brussels

A FOSDEM session ("devroom") devoted to FLOSS (free/libre open-source software) developed for, and by, scientists, whether in academia or industry.

Call for talks is closed (deadline was December 16th 2012).


Call for talks (closed):

We aim at having a dozen or two short talks (ca. 20 min.) introducing projects, advertising brand new features of established tools, discussing issues relevant to development of software for scientific computing, and touching on the interdependence of FLOSS and open science. We welcome contributions on topics such as number-crunching libraries, science-inclined compilers and parallelisation techniques, data analysis environments, scientific file formats, plotting/visualisation packages, licensing issues in science - anything that is relevant to the development of FLOSS for scientists.

Please send your talk proposals by e-mail to foss4scientists-devroom(at) providing the following information:

The deadline is December 16th 2012. The devroom schedule will be sent out to the aforementioned mailing list and posted here about a week after the deadline.