- news
- Sylwester Arabas
- news
Sylwester Arabas: news
index publications talks posters software teaching journal club students news misc CV
- 2024-07, Jeju, Korea: poster @Intl Conference on Clouds & Precipitation
- 2024-04, Marseille: particles in turbulence workshop at IRPHE
- 2024-04, Krakow: Bozon student club seminar, AGH
- 2024-02, Brussels: talk on PyPartMC at FOSDEM-2024, ULB
- 2024-01, Baltimore, MD: co-convening super-droplet session @AMS Annual
- 2024-01, NYC: short visit at LEAP/Columbia Univ.
- 2023-08: Rockville, MD: participation in ARM/ASR Meeting
- 2023-07: Urbana, IL: one-week visit at UIUC
- 2023-07: Mainz: poster at Clouds containig ice particles, U. Mainz
- 2023-05: Krakow: joining Environmental Physics Group at AGH
- 2023-03: Polish ed. of the Short course in cloud physics book in print!
- 2023-02, Sophia Antipolis: DACoPT workshop at INRIA
- 2023-02, Brussels: talk on numba-mpi at FOSDEM-2023, ULB
- 2023-01, Urbana, IL: one-week visit at UIUC
- 2023-01, Denver, CO: co-convening super-droplet session at AMS Annual
- 2022-12, Krakow: seminar at AGH Environmental Physics Group
- 2022-08, Urbana, IL: one-week visit at UIUC
- 2022-08, Madison, WI: AMS Cloud Physics conference
- 2022-07, virtual: seminar at UMainz
- 2022-07, Krakow: restarting work at the Jagiellonian University
- 2022-06, Long Island, NY: seminars at SoMAS/Stony Brook and BNL
- 2022-06, Krakow: seminar at Faculty of Physics, Astro. & Appl. CS / UJ
- 2022-04, virtual: talk at Atmos. Physics Seminar, Univ. Warsaw
- 2022-04, virtual: talk at 2nd QuIESCENT Workshop, Arctic Science Summit
- 2022-03, virtual: talk at 4-th Intl w-shop on Cloud Turbulence, NITech
- 2022-02, Pasadena, CA: two-week visit and a seminar at Caltech
- 2022-02, virtual: participation in FOSDEM-2022, ULB
- 2022-01, virtual: talk at AMS Annual Meeting 2022
- 2021-12, virtual: Software Carpentry instructor training
- 2021-09, Urbana, IL: seminar at UIUC
- 2021-07, virtual: participation in ICCP-2021
- 2021-07, Urbana, IL: joining Nicole Riemer's group at UIUC
- 2021-03, virtual: participation in SEA-2021, NCAR
- 2021-02, virtual: participation in FOSDEM-2021, ULB
- 2021-02, virtual: participation in Adv. Num. Meth. Hyperbolic PDE course, UTrento
- 2019-10, Montreal: seminar at McGill
- 2019-10, Boulder: seminar at NCAR
- 2019-10, Boulder: at Water Isotopes and Climate Workshop workshop
- 2019-09, Los Alamos: seminar at LANL
- 2019-09, Pecs: seminar at the University of Pecs
- 2019-09, Brno: visit at Brno University of Technology
- 2019-08, Seoul: seminar at Yonsei
- 2019-08, Kobe: seminar at Univ. Hyogo
- 2019-08, Nanjing: seminar at NUIST
- 2019-07, Oberpfaffenhofen: visit at DLR
- 2019-07, Munich: vinecopulib hackaton
- 2019-06, Paris/Grenoble: GDL hackaton
- 2019-06, Lyon: seminar at Ecole Centrale
- 2019-06, Mainz: DYAMOND-ESiWACE Hackathon
- 2019-06, Mainz: seminar at U. Mainz
- 2019-04, Cracow: co-organising particle-based microphysics workshop at UJ
- 2019-02, Warsaw: talk at the Szkola Matematyki Pogladowej
- 2019-02, Warsaw: talk at the ITM COMPLETE Workshop at Univ. Warsaw
- 2019-02, Brussels: participation in FOSDEM-2019 at ULB
- 2019-01, Warsaw: interview in the Polish Radio
- 2018-11, Kobe: particle-base microphysics workshop at UHyogo
- 2018-10, Delft: talk at the MATTS 2018 conference
- 2018-10, Warsaw: talk at the Atmospheric Physics Seminar
- 2018-10, Cracow: joining Division of Comp. Math. / Jagiellonian University
- 2018-07, Houghton, MI: seminar at Michigan Tech.
- 2018-07, Laramie, WY: seminar at the University of Wyoming
- 2018-07, Vancouver: poster at the AMS Cloud Physics Conference
- 2018-07, Kalamata: talk at NASCA 2018
- 2018-05, Skiathos: at Conf. Sustainable Urban Mobility
- 2018-04, Berlin: IMP3rove Academy workshop at A.T. Kearney
- 2018-04, Vienna: at Transport Research Arena conference
- 2018-03, Athens: seminar at COSA/Demokritos
- 2018-03, Munich: IMP3rove Academy workshop at A.T. Kearney
- 2018-03, Exeter: a day-long brainstorming at The Hour Glass
- 2018-03, Cracow: seminar at the Division of Comp. Math., Jagiellonian Univ.
- 2018-02, Patras: seminar at LAQS, University of Patra
- 2018-02, Brussels: participation in FOSDEM-2018 at ULB
- 2018-01, Berlin: IMP3rove Academy workshop at A.T. Kearney
- 2015-11, Cracow: joining models development team at Chatham Financial
- 2015-10, Warsaw: talk at the Atmospheric Physics Seminar
- 2015-09, Kobe: 1-month visit (incl. a seminar) at the Univ. Hyogo
- 2015-07, Delft: short visit at the TUDelft
- 2015-05, Aspen, CO: talk at the C++Now conference
- 2015-05, Laramie, WY: seminar at the University of Wyoming
- 2015-04, Warsaw: co-organising particle-based microphysics workshop
- 2015-02, Brussels: participation in FOSDEM-2015 at ULB
- 2015-01, Delft: seminar at TU Delft
- 2014-12, Oxford: participating in the IPCLC workshop
- 2014-10, Warsaw: interview in the Polish Radio
- 2014-09, Kobe: visiting UHyogo, participating in a workshop at RIKEN
- 2014-09, Boulder, CO: talk at the NCAR MMM Seminar
- 2014-08, St. Andrews: participating in the EMCSR school
- 2014-06, Paris: GNU Data Language workshop at the Observatoire de Paris
- 2014-06, Ourense: teaching a course on object-oriented numerics at U. Vigo
- 2014-02, Brussels: participation in FOSDEM-2014 at ULB
- 2012-12, San Francisco: poster presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting
- 2012-11, Boulder, CO: one-month visit at NCAR
- 2012-08, Leipzig: talk and poster at the 16th ICCP
- 2012-07, Warsaw: participation in the 8th ICMW
- 2012-04, Warsaw: talk at the Atmospheric Physics Seminar
- 2012-02, Brussels: participation in FOSDEM-2012
- 2011-10, Hamburg: participation in the Barbados workshop at the MPI-M
- 2011-08, Paris: talk at the GNU Hackers Meeting @ IRILL
- 2011-06, Berlin: talk at the MetStroem Conference 2011
- 2011-04, Barbados: participation in the CARRIBA field project
- 2011-03, Long Beach, CA: talk at the SIAM/GS11 conference
- 2011-02, Venice: WAVACS winter school at Venice Intl Univ.
- 2011-02, Brussels: talk at FOSDEM-2011 at ULB
- 2010-12, San Francisco: poster presentation at the AGU Fall Meeting
- 2010-12, Boulder, CO: short visit and a seminar at NCAR
- 2010-11, Helsinki: poster presentation at the EUCAARI annual meeting
- 2010-10, Toulouse: participation in the ICARE conference/air-show
- 2010-10, Warsaw: talk at the Atmospheric Physics Seminar
- 2010-09, Tsukuba: seminar at the Meteorological Research Institute/JMA
- 2010-08, Yokohama: one-month visit (incl. two seminars) at JAMSTEC
- 2010-05, Vienna: poster presentation at the EGU GA 2010
- 2010-02, Brussels: participation in FOSDEM-2010 and the mini-GHM at ULB
- 2009-10, Stockholm: poster presentation at the EUCAARI annual meeting
- 2009-06, Toulouse: particip. in EUFAR Standards and Protocols Meeting
- 2009-06, Paris: particip. in EADS Inovation Works (at Salon du Bourget)
- 2009-04, Vienna: poster presentation at the EGU GA 2009
- 2009-03, Warsaw: participation in the GPU workshop at ICM-UW
- 2009-02, Warsaw: participation in the EUFAR Textbook kick-off meeting
- 2008-11, Warsaw: talk at the Atmospheric Physics Seminar
- 2008-10, Toulouse: participation in the EUCAARI IMPACT/LONGREX workshop
- 2008-10, Warsaw: beginning PhD studies at the Faculty of Physics
- 2008-09, L'Aquila: participation in the ISSAOS summer school
- 2008-09, Toulouse: EUFAR meeting on Current Issues in Airborne Research
- 2008-07, Cancun: talk at the 15th ICCP
- 2008-06, Warsaw: MSc thesis defence at the Faculty of Physics
- 2008-05, Rotterdam: participation in the EUCAARI IMPACT field campaign
- 2008-03, Hyytiala: participation in the U.Helsinki/iLEAPS spring school
- 2008-02, Niederoeblarn: SEASALT student's field campaign (as a leader!)
- 2008-02, Garmisch-Partenkirchen: short visit at the IMK-IFU
- 2008-01, Warsaw: talk at the Students' Atmospheric Physics Seminar
- 2007-07, Iasi: participation in the EUFAR summer school
- 2007-06, Hyytiala: participation in the U.Helsinki aerosol summer school
- 2007-06, Warsaw: talk at the Students' Atmospheric Physics Seminar
- 2007-04, Vienna: poster presentation at the EGU GA 2007
- 2006-07, Ouagadougou: participation in the AMMA-SCOUT-O3 field campaign
- 2006-05, Cracow: participation IMiGW/EUMETSAT/NOAA/NESDIS summer school
- 2006-04, Warsaw: talk at the Students' Atmospheric Physics Seminar