index publications talks posters software teaching journal club students news misc CV
2024-05-15 (Marseille): Modelling of water isotopic fractionation within and below clouds
Workshop "Dynamics of complex particles in turbulence" @IRPHE
(slides) (www)
2024-03-19 (Krakow): O modelowaniu chmur w chmurze
"Bozon" student club seminar
(slides, in Polish)
2024-02-03 (Brussels): PyPartMC: engineering Python-to-Fortran bindings in C++, for use in Julia and Matlab
FOSDEM 2024 HPC, Big Data and Data Science Devroom
(slides) (abstract) (video)
2024-01-29 (Baltimore): A particle-based microphysics study of isotope exchanges in a single-column rain-shaft model
104th AMS Annual Meeting
(slides) (abstract)
2024-01-26 (NYC): PyPartMC Aerosol Dynamics Package: Engineering Python-to-Fortran Bindings in C++
LEAP Journal Club @Columbia University
(slides) (video)
2024-01-18 (Krakow): O oddziaływaniu chmur z aerozolem atmosferycznym
AGH University of Krakow (lecture)
(slides, in Polish)
2023-08-09 (Rockville, MD): Immersion freezing in particle-based aerosol-cloud microphysics: a probabilistic perspective on singular and time-dependent models
2023 ARM/ASR Joint User Facility and PI Meeting
2023-05-26 (Krakow): O modelowaniu zamarzania przechłodzonych kropelek wody w chmurach
AGH Physics Seminar
(slides, in Polish)
2023-02-28 (Sophia Antipolis): Open-source Python projects for particle-based aerosol/cloud microphysics modelling
DACoPT workshop @ INRIA
2023-02-05 (Brussels): numba-mpi: Numba @njittable MPI wrappers tested on Linux macOS and Windows
FOSDEM 2023 HPC, Big Data and Data Science Devroom
(slides) (abstract) (video)
2022-12-13 (Krakow): O lagranżowskiej reprezentacji mikrofizyki aerozolu, chmur i opadu w numerycznych modelach przepływów atmosferycznych
Zebranie Zespołu Fizyki Środowiska AGH
(slides, in Polish)
2022-07-06 (virtual): Supercooling super-droplets: on particle-based modelling of immersion freezing
Mathematics and Atmospheric Physics Seminar @ UMainz
2022-06-08 (Upton, NY): Super-cooling super-droplets:on particle-based modelling of heterogeneous freezing
Seminar at the Brookhaven National Lab
2022-06-07 (Stony Brook, NY): PySDM: a novel Pythonic tool for modelling cloud microphysics
Seminar at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, NY
2022-06-02 (Krakow): PySDM: a novel Pythonic tool for modelling atmospheric clouds with CPU and GPU number-crunching backends
Seminar at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University
2022-04-22 (virtual): Immersion freezing: singular vs. time-dependent models
Atmospheric Physics Seminar, Institute of Geophysics, University of Warsaw
2022-04-01 (virtual): Immersion freezing in particle-based cloud microphysics models
2nd QuIESCENT Workshop, Arctic Science Summit Week, Tromsø, Norway
2022-03-09 (virtual): Supercooling super-droplets: on particle-based modelling of immersion freezing
4th International Workshop on Cloud Turbulence, NITech, Nagoya, Japan
2022-02-09 (Pasadena): Supercooling super-droplets: on particle-based modelling of immersion freezing
Caltech Environmental Science and Engineering Seminar
2022-01-27 (virtual): On Particle-Based Modeling of Immersion Freezing
AMS Annual Meeting, Houston (virtual), 14th Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions
2021-09-07 (Urbana): PySDM: particle-based cloud modeling package with CPU and GPU number-crunching backends
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2021-06-10 (Cracow): Overview of PySDM and PyMPDATA: two new packages for numerically solving coagulation and transport problems in cloud physics and beyond
Computational Mathematics Seminar, Jagiellonian University
2020-03-04 (Cracow): O modelowaniu chmur (atmosferycznych)
Open Day at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University
(slides, in Polish)
2020-01-23 (Cracow): On numerical modelling of clouds and precipitation
2nd Krakow Interdisciplinary Science Seminar
2019-10-08 (Montreal): Particle-based cloud microphysics: rationale, state of the art and challenges
McGill University, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
2019-10-04 (Boulder): On applications of MPDATA in cloud microphysics and finance
MMM Dynamics Happy Hour, National Center for Atmospheric Research
2019-09-30 (Los Alamos): On applications of MPDATA in cloud microphysics and finance
Los Alamos National Laboratory
2019-09-13 (Pecs): Particle-based cloud microphysics: rationale, state of the art and challenges
University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences
2019-08-29 (Seoul): Super-droplet simulations with libcloudph++ and PySDM
Yonsei University Colloquium
2019-08-23 (Kobe): PySDM: exploring novel tools from the Python ecosystem for super-droplet simulation studies
University of Hyogo
2019-08-19 (Nanjing): Particle-based cloud microphysics: rationale, state of the art and challenges
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
(abstract) (slides)
2019-06-24 (Lyon): Bifurcation analysis of CCN activation dynamics
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Laboratory, Lyon
(abstract) (slides)
2019-06-17 (Mainz): Particle-based cloud microphysics: rationale, state of the art and challenges
Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
(abstract) (slides)
2019-02-18 (Wola Ducka): O modelowaniu komputerowym chmur i deszczu
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
(slides, in Polish)
2019-02-06 (Warsaw): Lagrangian (particle-based) cloud microphysics: super-droplet approach
COMPLETE ITN workshop, University of Warsaw
2019-01-10 (Cracow): MPDATA i libmpdata++ ...
Computational Mathematics Seminar, Jagiellonian University
2018-11-20 (Kobe): Particle-Based Cloud Microphysics COST Action Proposal
Workshop on particle-based modeling of cloud microphysics, RIKEN, CCS
2018-10-19 (Delft): A State-Space Model for Assimilating Passenger and Vehicle Flow Data with User Feedback in a Transit Network
Mathematics Applied in Transport and Traffic Systems, TUDelft
2018-10-12 (Warsaw): On the CCN (de)activation nonlinearities
Atmospheric Physics Seminar, University of Warsaw
2018-07-19 (Houghton, MI): Particle-based cloud microphysics: rationale, state of the art and challenges
seminar @ Michigan Tech
2018-07-17 (Laramie, WY): On the CCN (de)activation nonlinearities
seminar @ University of Wyoming
2018-07-03 (Kalamata): MPDATA meets Black-Scholes: derivative pricing as a transport problem
NASCA 2018 conference
2018-03-21 (Athens): Bifurcations in a dynamical system describing formation of cloud droplets on atmospheric particulate matter
seminar @ NCSR Demokritos
2018-03-01 (Cracow): Bifurcations in a dynamical system describing formation of cloud droplets on atmospheric particulate matter
Computational Mathematics Seminar, Jagiellonian University
2018-02-06 (Patras): On the CCN (de)activation nonlinearities
seminar @ LAQS / University of Patras
2015-10-23 (Warsaw): What's new in libmpdata++ (towards the 2.0 release)
Atmospheric Physics Seminar, University of Warsaw (presented with Anna Jaruga and Maciej Waruszewski)
2015-09-07 (Kobe): What's new in libmpdata++ (towards the 2.0 release)
seminar @ the Hyogo University
2015-05-13 (Aspen, CO): On the design and Boost-based implementation of two new C++ libraries for atmospheric research
C++Now conference / Aspen Center for Physics
2015-05-11 (Laramie, WY): libcloudph++ - A new library of Eulerian and Lagrangian warm-rain cloud microphysics schemes
Dept. of Atmospheric Science saminar / U. Wyoming
2015-01-15 (Delft): libcloudph++: warm-rain cloud microphysics in C++
saminar @ CiTG / TUDelft
2014-09-25 (Kobe): Introducing libmpdata++ and libcloudph++ - Reusable Software Components for Atmospheric Modelling
(workshop programme)
2014-09-04 (Boulder, CO): Introducing libmpdata++ and libcloudph++ - Reusable Software for Atmospheric Modelling
NCAR MMM Seminar
2013-11-29 (Warsaw): Elements of modern cloud modelling
PhD defense
2013-06-17 (Padua): In Search for a Robust Representation of Cloud Microphysics for Aerosol-Cloud-Aerosol Interactions
SIAM Geosciences Conference 2013
2013-05-24 (Warsaw): A modern cloud model
Atmospheric Physics Seminar, University of Warsaw (presented with Hanna Pawlowska and Anna Jaruga)
(slides, in Polish)
(abstract, in Polish)
(abstract, in English)
2013-04-02 (Boulder, CO): Object-oriented numerics in C++, Python and modern Fortran: a case study comparison.
UCAR SEA Conference 2013
2012-11-15,28 (Boulder, CO): Large Eddy Simulations of Trade-Wind Cumuli using Particle-Based Microphysics with Monte-Carlo Coalescence.
NCAR MMM Seminar & NOAA ESRL group meeting
2012-10-09 (Warsaw): Object-oriented implementation of MPDATA in C++.
EULAG project meeting
(slides, in Polish)
2012-08-01 (Leipzig): Aerosol processing by drizzling stratocumulus: a modelling study using a novel particle-based approach.
16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation
(slides, in English)
2012-07-26 (Warsaw): A new MPDATA-based solver for systems of transport equations with emphasis on cloud modelling.
International Cloud Modelling Workshop
(slides, in English)
2012-04-27 (Warsaw): An open-source and object-oriented implementation of a parallel MPDATA-based solver for transport equation systems.
Atmospheric Physics Seminar, University of Warsaw (presented with Anna Jaruga)
(slides, in Polish)
(abstract, in Polish)
(abstract, in English)
2011-10-24 (Hamburg): 2D kinematic cloud model with kappa-Koehler aerosol chemistry and Monte-Carlo coalescence scheme
2011-08-27 (Paris): GDL - GNU Data Language.
GNU Hackers Meeting @ IRILL (presented with Alain Coulais)
2011-06-09 (Berlin): Particle-based aerosol/cloud/rain microphysics for LES: Super-Droplet model validation against RICO aircraft observations.
MetStroem Conference 2011 on Multiple Scales in Fluid Dynamics and Meteorology
2011-03-23 (Long Beach, CA): Simulations of a field of precipitating trade-wind cumuli using a particle-based and probabilistic microphysics model coupled with LES.
SIAM conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences
2011-02-05 (Brussels): GDL - GNU Data Language.
Free and Open Source Developers' European Meeting
2010-12-10 (Boulder, CO): Representation of CCN activation in numerical models of aerosol-cloud interactions.
National Center for Atmospheric Research
2010-10-22 (Warsaw): Modeling and observations of CCN activation.
Atmospheric Physics Seminar, University of Warsaw
(slides, in Polish)
2010-08-19,23 (Yokohama & Tsukuba): Cloud-droplet activation from the perspectives of a novel adaptive moving-sectional air-parcel model and the EUCAARI-IMPACT observations.
2008-10-07 (Warsaw): Properties of cloud-droplet-size spectrum from RICO observations in trade-wind cumuli.
Atmospheric Physics Seminar, University of Warsaw
(slides, in Polish)
2008-07-08 (Cancun): Effective radius and droplet spectral width from RICO observations.
15th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation
2008-01-23 (Warsaw): Intercomparison of cloud liquid water measurements during the RICO campagin.
Atmospheric Physics Students' Seminar, University of Warsaw
(slides, in Polish)