index publications talks posters software teaching journal club students news misc CV
Introduction to Programming for micro-/nano-tech in biophysics
(hands-on lab accompanying the lecture of Janusz Malinowski, AGH)
Modelling of Flow Systems:
(hands-on lab accompanying the lecture of Miroslaw Zimnoch, AGH)
Linux Operating System:
(hands-on lab accompanying the lecture of Bartosz Mindur, AGH)
Programming basics for medical physics (UNIX, Python, C, Julia):
(hands-on lab accompanying the lecture of Przemyslaw Gawronski, AGH)
C++ for technical physics:
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Malgorzata Krawczyk, AGH)
Programming basics for medical physics (UNIX, Python, C, R, Jupyter):
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Przemyslaw Gawronski, AGH)
programming 1 (C/C++):
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Daniel Wilczak, Jagiellonian Univ.)
programmer's workshop (UNIX):
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Malgorzata Moczurad, Jagiellonian Univ.)
design patterns: slides in Polish
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Marcin Zelawski, Jagiellonian Univ.)
abstract programming: slides in Polish
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Marcin Zelawski, Jagiellonian Univ.)
object-oriented programming in atmospheric and oceanic model development: slides in English
(a short course organised at the EPhysLab, University of Vigo, Ourense)
numerical modelling in atmospheric physics: slides in Polish
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Lech Lobocki, Faculty of Physics, Univ. Warsaw)
atmospheric thermodynamics: 15x2h, slides in Polish
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Hanna Pawlowska, Faculty of Physics, Univ. Warsaw)
physics of the atmospheric boundary layer: 15x2h, slides in Polish
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Szymon Malinowski, Faculty of Physics, Univ. Warsaw)
hands-on data processing in meteorology: 15x2h, slides in Polish
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Krzysztof Markowicz, Faculty of Physics, Univ. Warsaw)
elementary atmospheric thermodynamics and cloud physics: 15x2h, slides in Polish
(practice course accompanying the lecture of Hanna Pawlowska, Faculty of Physics, Univ. Warsaw)