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I work in the Environmental Physics Group at the AGH University of Krakow, Poland. My research interests revolve around atmospheric cloud physics, computational modelling of clouds (in particular using particle-based techniques) and research software engineering (applied in Python and C++ projects).

Among the research software packages I co-develop/maintain, there are: PyPartMC, numba-mpi, PySDM, PyMPDATA, GNU Data Language.

In years 2018-2023, I had been affiliated with the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland working on research software development for modelling of atmospheric clouds with support from the Foundation for Polish Science and the Poland's National Science Centre.

In 2021-2022, for one year, I had joined as a postdoc the group of Nicole Riemer at UIUC.

In years 2006-2015, I had completed my MSc, PhD and a postdoc at the aerosol-cloud modelling group of Hanna Pawlowska at Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland. In years 2015-2018 I had worked out of academia (incl. a quantitative finance episode).

I serve as a topical editor for the Geoscientific Model Development journal, co-organise the Particle-based methods for simulating atmospheric aerosol and clouds GMD/ACP inter-journal special issue and maintain the particle-based-cloud-modelling mailing list.

Some of the academic events I have co-organised:


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